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Pure-FTPd is a free (BSD), secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server based upon Troll-FTPd.


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Creating Users:

  1. First create the account:

    % pure-pw useradd <username> -f /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.passwd -u <uid> -g <gid> -d /var/ftp/<username> -c "<comment>"

    • <username> is the login name
    • <uid> User ID (name or number) of a real user that already exists on the system, as whom the new user's account should run
    • <gid> is the Group ID (name or number) of a real group that already exists on the system, as whom the new user's account should run
    • <comment> is the full name of the user (or company name)

  2. It will then ask you for a password, follow the prompts

  3. Create the home directory:

    % mkdir /var/ftp/<username>

    Note: Refer to the <username> from step one

  4. Then change permissions for that directory:

    % chown <uid>:<uid> /var/ftp/<username>

    Note: Refer to the <uid> from step one

  5. Then you compile the pureftpd password file

    % pure-pw mkdb

This is a pretty limited example for how to use the tool, and the manual page ('man pure-pw') provides more general usage instructions.

The instructions and screen shots contained within this website are specific to services offered by Real Time Enterprises only.



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Real Time Enterprises, Inc.

Real Time Enterprises, Inc.
10181 Crosstown Circle
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